About Me

NY, United States

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Getting ready...

Our wedding is just a week away. I believe I speak for both Kelby and myself, that we are ready for the day to arrive. Lots of decisions being made, both big and little. The program is done, just needs to be printed. Songs chosen, food picked out, relatives come into town soon. Trying to fit both his things and my things into one apartment is not an easy feat. Moving a desk by myself was interesting! Sometimes I wonder why we keep so much? Skipper is concerned with all the activity, but then he falls asleep as close to me as possible. The wedding planning has kept me from the computer, hopefully that will change soon! I am working on a great idea for all the cards we have received. Once it is finished, pictures will be posted.

We both are remembering that the wedding event is just a day, but our marriage will last forever. We read lots of books, talk through decisions, such as...... who is going to do which chores :)

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